![]() Meet Missionary Moana Mooshey |
"The Lord Roscoe Works In Mysterious Ways"
The testimony of a Rosconian is very important for their shpiritual growth. By telling others of your life's ups and downs you can encourage others in their shpiritual walks, but more importantly you are free from the trap of guilt and the feeling that the mistakes made were so terrible that no one should know about them.
As Rosconians we are to love unconditionally, forgiving as the Great God Mota forgives. We are to rejoice at the salvation of our brothers and sisters, no matter what happened in their past. They have been freed from their eternal damnation by the shedding of Poopsies into the Boiling Borscht. The slate has been wiped clean and the Vat has boiled out.
The following is my mute testimony in an oral way. It may not be the most grand of testimonies, but it is mine and I know God Zooks can use it to reach someone. There are parts of my life I have not been proud of and that I am still not proud of, but I am in hopes that this will encourage someone else.