Welcome to my Rosconian Home Page!
Hey babe, my name is Sarah,
I'm 18 I'm going to attend college
in the fall at the University of Miasmi in Olio.
Here are a few Pix I took and thought I'd let you take a peak ;)
These are just a few shots of me taken at my dorm.
I am a very Studious and Hoogly girl,
I hope I can answer your question about the Lord Roscoe ;P
Click Here for more Rosconian Priestesses!
I love showing you how cute the Lord Roscoe is;
why won't you come join me in a High Hoogly Mess?
If you choose not to become a Pegunkin thats ok,
enjoy seeing me and the other Rosconian Priestesses then,
I'm sure lots have heheh :D
Hope to see you around:)
~ Sarah <3